This Executive Management role covers all aspects of managing the organisation of AMSEA and it’s work in Merino Sire Evaluation within Australia. AMSEA is an organisation comprising of wool producers, stud breeders, technical research and extension organisations and peak bodies.
BCS Agribusiness, in providing the Executive Staff to AMSEA, oversees the ongoing development of the business model, undertakes negotiations with commercial partners and ensures the financial compliance of the organisation. Member communications and consultation plus outreach activities to the broader Merino industry, as well as coordination of the national sire evaluation trial, are also integral components of the role BCS Agribusiness fills with AMSEA.

The Merino Lifetime Productivity (MLP) Project is a 10-year project focused on the genetic capacity of the Merino ewe throughout its life. Rigorous and independently assessed measured and visual data on a wide range of lifetime productivity traits is being collected. The ewes are the progeny of 167 sires each joined to 90 ewes across five sites. The outcomes of this project have widespread significance for the Merino industry; enabling the fine tuning of selection processes and filling current knowledge gaps about the Merino ewe. This project management is a collaboration of the Australian Merino Sire Evaluation Association (AMSEA), Australian Wool Innovation (AWI), participating Merino breeders and sites hosts around Australia with BCS Agribusiness providing the Executive Staff to AMSEA.

Merino Superior Sires is a national sire evaluation program with 11 trial sites across Australia. BCS Agribusiness, on behalf of AMSEA, manages all aspects of the trial program; these include initial site set-up, then ongoing site liaison with the local Site Committees as well as facilitating with other involved research and development organisations, through to the development and distribution of the annual report publication which combines all site results for the trial.
Once a year, MerinoLink invites all of industry to join them for a conference featuring the latest Merino information and developments presented by a broad spectrum of key industry presenters across a range of formats and venues.
The program includes visits to high calibre venues with a brand new program and line-up of presenters each year, plus a variety of opportunities for back-the-scenes access to industry experts and their work. The three day event includes lead-in sessions followed by an informal meet and greet dinner, a full conference day and formal conference dinner followed by a field day across multiple venues.
BCS Agribusiness facilitates all aspects of the running of the conference. It is a huge and exciting event! Definitely one not to be missed!

MerinoLink facilitates networks, innovation, technology, genetic opportunities, and research to improve the production and profitability of Merinos around Australia. This Executive Management role covers all aspects of managing the organisation of MerinoLink. BCS Agribusiness ensures the financial compliance of the organisation, management of the membership database, writing and distribution of member communications plus co-ordination and execution of the annual MerinoLink Conference.

The Visual Sheep Scores is a widely used resource for assessing subjective traits of sheep as part of an overall selection process. BCS Agribusiness was instrumental in developing the original Visual Sheep Scores on behalf of Australian Wool Innovation and Meat & Livestock Australia and has since completed two complete reviews of the publications. These reviews have involved stakeholder consultation and negotiation to finalise changes to the publication.

Upright Shearing Platforms Program – Program funding and negotiation
BCS Agribusiness managed a major industry investment program developing Upright Shearing Platforms. This program involved ongoing negotiations with five potential developers for access to industry funds. These funds were delivered through contracts negotiated between the developers and BCS Agribusiness with payments made based on performance and delivery.

BCS Agribusiness has prepared large volumes of communication and extension material for a wide range of clients. The Sheep CRC commissioned BCS Agribusiness to prepare a series of eight detailed case studies demonstrating the use of Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) by Australian ram breeders. These case studies have been widely used in the development of extension of both MERINOSELECT and LAMBPLAN.